Syllabus for Physics 176: Astronomy
Spring 2000

an up-to-date version of this syllabus will be maintained at

General Information:

Time: MWF 10-10:50
Place: Small 113
Text:  Astronomy Today, by Chaisson & McMillan

Instructor: Gene Tracy
Office: Small 175 (in Physics Library)
Phone: 221-3527
Office hours: MW 11-12, or by appointment.

Homework graders:
Name:  Saffron Mills
Office: Small 319A
Phone: 221-3508
Office hours: TR 3:30-4:30, or by appointment.

Name:  Peng Sheng
Office: Tr C (in the trailers next to Small Hall, just off the main lobby)
Phone: 221-1985
Office hours: TR 12:30-1:30, or by appointment.

The syllabi and information regarding the laboratory can be found on
PHYS 176 L

General comments:

This course is a general survey of the science of astronomy. Webster's Dictionary defines astronomy as ``the science of the celestial bodies and of their magnitudes, motions and constitution''. If we include the planet earth as a celestial body, Webster's definition is a good summary of what we'll cover this semester.

This is a golden age of discovery in astronomy. In the 1990's new subfields have emerged such as helioseismology (the study of the internal structure of the sun), we are on the verge of opening an entirely new window on the Universe:  gravity wave telescopes will begin operating in the next few years. Meanwhile, other more traditional fields, such as optical astronomy, have made steady progress due to the advance of technology. At the end of  1999 it was announced that there was life 4 km under the Antarctic icecap, raising intriguing possibilities for the existence of life on the icey moons of Jupiter.  The last five years have seen claims of the discovery of `microfossils' in Martian rocks found in Antartica, the first convincing detection of planets orbiting other stars and mysterious `gamma ray' bursts which are -- as yet -- completely unexplained.  Over the last twenty years, evidence has accumulated to suggest that the Universe is composed largely of `Dark Matter' which interacts with ordinary `luminous' matter (such as stars) only through gravitational effects.  It is possible that over 90% of the Universe is tied up in Dark Matter, a material which is -- as yet -- completely mysterious. At the very largest scales, in the spring of 1998, it was announced that it appears that galaxies are acceleratingaway from us at very great distances.  Most recently, observations reported at the January 2000 meeting of the American Astronomical Society suggest that black holes -- bizarre object which are so dense that not even light can escape -- might in fact be numerous in the cosmos AND that they might play a central role in seeding the structures we observe as galaxies.

We will discuss each of these topics, and many others. The historical development of astronomy, and science in general, will be surveyed but the emphasis will be on modern observations and theories. The goal is to leave you with a coherent picture of what astronomy is, why it is interesting, and where it is going.

Reading, homework, laboratory and other assignments:

We will cover approximately two chapters per week. This will vary slightly over the course of the semester due to the variable difficulty of the material. Readings will be announced about a week in advance.  The assignments will be announced in class and via courseinfo.  You are responsible for checking the courseinfo site regularly for updates and suggestions regarding the homework and upcoming tests.

Homework assignments will announced in class and posted on the courseinfo site every Friday.  It is due the next Friday in class.  Graded homework will be returned in the lab sections.No late homework will be accepted without prior approval.

The laboratory and observational aspects of this course are very important.  You will be expected to perform some observations of astronomical phenomena and report your observations.  It is not acceptable to substitute information gathered from the Web or any other source (even if properly cited) for these observations.  However, such information -- fully cited -- can be used to supplement the observation report.  (The proper format for Web citations can be found here.)

Your book comes with the CDROM which you will find very useful. (The exam questions are drawn from it.  Hint...hint.)

Homework (weekly) 
Labs (including observing sessions)
Midterms (2 @ 20% each)
Total 100%

Exam schedule:
Midterm 1
Friday, February 25
Midterm 2
Friday, April 7
Final Monday, May 8, 1:30-4:30 PM

And finally, a comment regarding the Honor Code.

You should not hand in any work that is not your own. Working together on homework and lab assignments is encouraged, but in the end hand in only what you can honestly call your own work.  Collaboration on exams is, of course, prohibited.

This course involves observations which you will do individually.  When asked to perform an observation, either naked-eye or with telescope or binoculars, you are expected to provide a report of that observation which is as accurate and objective as possible. Do not substitute uncited information from any other source for any reason.  This constitutes a fraudulent report and is an Honor Code violation.  If you are in any doubt about this issue in any particular case, ask me before submitting any report.  Fraudulent reports will be forwarded to the Honor Council.

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Last updated Jan. 7, 1999 Gene Tracy,