Anne Reilly |
Depostition (Powerpoint) I. Magnetism:
Definitions and Atomic Sources (Powerpoint) II.
Exchange and Ferromagnetism (Powerpoint) III. Hysteresis
and Domains (Powerpoint) SELECT PUBLICATIONS (Click for pdf
version) |
Large Scale Substrate Roughness on Giant Magnetoresistance Multilayers”,
S. Watson, D. Vlassarev; A. Reilly, B. Holloway, presented at the 9th
Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Anaheim, CA January 5-9, 2004.
“Ultrafast MOKE Study
of Magnetization Dynamics in Exchange-Biased FeMn/Co and IrMn/Co Thin Films”,
K. Seu, H. Huang, A.C. Reilly, W.F. Egelhoff, L Gan, presented at the
American Vacuum Society (AVS) 50th International Symposium, “Pulsed laser deposition with the Thomas
Jefferson National Accelerator Facility free electron laser: benefits of
sub-picosecond pulses with high repetition rate”, Anne Reilly, Chris Allmond,
Jason Gammon, Jung Kim, Michelle Shinn, Shannon Watson,
presented at CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, June 1-6, 2003. JOURNAL
ARTICLES Temperature,
wavelength, and polarization dependent time resolved optical spectroscopy of
half-metallic CrO2, H. Huang, K. Seu, A. Reilly, Y. Kadmon, W.F. Egelhoff, Journal
of Applied Physics, 97, 10C309-1-3 (2005). “Carbon Nitride as a Buffer
Layer for Magnetic Thin Films”, S.M. Watson, L. Zeng, J. Musielski, R.A.
Wincheski, A.L. Wilkerson, E.Broitman, B.C.Holloway and A.C. Reilly, Thin Solid Films, 476, 148-151 (2005). “Bonding in hard
and elastic amorphous carbon nitride films investigated using 15N,
13C, and 1H NMR spectroscopy”, W.J. Gammon,
G.L. Hoatson, B.C. Holloway, R.L. Vold, A.C. Reilly, Physical Review B, 68, 195401-9 (2003). “Magnetic
properties of sputtered soft magnetic Fe-Ni films with a uniaxial anisotropy”,
Jung Gi Kim, Kyung Huun Han, Seok Ho Song, Anne Reilly, Thin Solid Films,
440, 54-59 (2003). “Pulsed Laser
Deposition with a high average power free electron laser: Benefits of
subpicosecond pulses with high repetition rate”, Anne Reilly, Chris
Allmond, Shannon Watson, Jason Gammon and Jung-Gi Kim, Journal
of Applied Physics,
93, 3098-3101 (2003). “Experimental
Comparison of N(1s) and C(1s) XPS Binding Energies of Amorphous Carbon Nitride
with Reference Organic Compounds”, W. J. Gammon, O. Kraft, A. C.
Reilly and B. C. Holloway, Carbon, 41, 1917-1920 (2003). “Co layer
thickness dependence of exchange biasing for IrMn/Co and FeMn/Co”,
K.A. Seu, H. Huang, J.F. Lesoine, H.D. Showman, W,F, Egelhoff, L. Gan and
A.C. Reilly, Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 6611-13 (2003). “Hard and
elastic amorphous carbon nitride thin films studied by 13C nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy”, W.J. Gammon, D.I. Malyarenko, O.
Kraft, G.L. Hoatson, A.C. Reilly and B.C. Holloway, Phys. Rev. B, 66, 153402-153404 (2002). “Enhancing
current-perpendicular magnetoresistance in Permalloy-based exchange-biased
spin valves by increasing spin-memory loss”, J.Y. Gu, S.D.
Steenwyk, A C. Reilly, W. Park, R. Loloee, J. Bass, W.P. Pratt Jr., Journal
of Applied Physics, 87, 4831-4833 (2000). “Microscopic
Mechanisms of Giant Magnetoresistance”, C. Vouille, A. Barthelemy,
F. Elokan Mpondo, A. Fert, P.A. Schroeder, S.Y. Hsu, A. Reilly and R. Loloee,
Physical Review B, 60, 6710-6722 (1999). “Effect of
deposition parameters on the CPP-GMR of NiMnSb-based spin-valve structures.”,
J.A. Caballero, A.C. Reilly,
Y. Hao, J. Bass, W.P. Pratt Jr, F. Petroff, J.R. Childress., Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic
Materials, 198-199, 55-7 (1999). “Perpendicular Giant
Magnetoresistance of Co91Fe9/Cu Exchange-Biased
Spin-Valves: A Further Test of the Unified Picture”, A.C. Reilly,
W. Park, R. Slater, B. Ouaglal, R. Loloee, W.P. Pratt Jr., J. Bass, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials, 195, L269-L274
(1999). "Giant Magnetoresistance of Current-Perpendicular
Exchange-Biased Spin Valves of Co/Cu", A.C. Reilly, W. C. Chiang, W.
Park, S. Y. Hsu, S. Steenwyk, W. P. Pratt, Jr., J. Bass, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 34, 939-942 (1998). "Nonlinear Optical
Response of the GaAs Exciton-Polariton", Anne C. Schaefer and Duncan
G. Steel, Physical Review Letters, 79, 4870-4874 (1997). |