Physics 314 - Quantum Mechanics II

Eugeniy E. Mikhailov

Spring 2025

General class information

Office hours

I am available at my office SmallHall 253, or in the superposition of my labs 032, 034, or 065.

Course Overview

This course is a continuation of our study of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. We will explore more advanced techniques and study specific examples from atomic, solid state, and nuclear physics. Over the course of the second semester, we will work through part II of the text book, including Perturbation Theory, Variational Principle, Identical Particles, Scattering, and other advance topics.

TA information

Michael Sizemore will be assisting with this class.


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Tentative schedule and reading assignments


Homework submission is done via Gradescope code VD3KX8

Lecture notes