Physics 251 - Special project: Atomic spectroscopy

Eugeniy E. Mikhailov

Michael Kordosky

Lab materials and assignments


Report or video presentation submission deadline is 11:59pm on December 21. No extensions or late submissions are permitted.


For the final project you have a choice of the final product to submit

You will be able to submit the final report or video via Gradescope.

Make sure that the instructor knows your choice by the end of the project in class meeting.

Video presentation format

You will need to submit a recorded video to Gradescope.

Below is the suggested format for the presentation:

  • Duration: 10-15 minutes (you can go longer, if needed, but not shorter).
  • Content: You presentation will likely contain 12-15 slides. Suggested composition (number of slides): title slide (1), goal of the project (1), background information (1-2), experimental procedure (2-3), results (3-6), possible improvements (1), conclusion/summary(1).

However, this is only suggested breakdown, feel free to adjust the slide count for your presentation style, just make sure that you include all the components.

Additional materials

Lamps spectra

Sodium lamp