Lab report content

by Eugeniy E. Mikhailov

28 August 2019

General notes

A lab report is not an essay where you are graded and paid by its length! The shorter it is the better. I would say you should limit yourselves to about 2 pages, maybe 3 if you have a lot of plots. The most prestigious physics journals usually limit publications to 3 pages. The Nobel prize winning paper “GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence” has it content fit to 7 pages.

We will penalize unnecessary long reports!

The good lab report is self contained. I.e. a reader should grasp why you are doing your lab, how you do, what did you get, how you interpret the data, and what are the conclusions. Ideally, based on the experiment description a reader should be able to recreate the experiment.

Required lab reports sections

Any lab report must have the following sections

Approximate weight of the lab report sections

Section Weight
Header 5%
Introduction 20%
Exp. description 30%
Data Analysis 35%
Conclusion 10%


Additionally we will look for a writing quality.