Physics 403: Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Fall 2023


Tue. & Thu.,   2:00 pm - 3:20 pm      Small Hall, room 235


This course provides an introduction to quantum statistical mechanics and thermal physics. It will covers such topics as the definitions of accessible quantum states, entropy, free energy, temperature and partition function for noninteracting systems. We will consider the derivation and interpretation of the physical and thermodynamic properties of classical and quantum gases, solids, thermal radiation and diffusive equilibrium.


Modern Physics (PHYS 201) is a prerequsite. It is recommended (but not required) that you have also taken PHYS 313 (Quantum 1).


Our textbook will be "Statistical and Thermal Physics" by Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik (Princeton University Press, 2010).
Note: this is the first edition of this book. The nine chapters in this book can be downloaded for free from the website: by selecting individual chapter headings. (Those of you who prefer a paper copy can purchase it from familiar online sources).
A list of typographical errors and corrections can also be downloaded from the same webpage: select the "Statistical and Thermal Physics" link and then select "download" from the section called "Updates and Corrections to Statistical and Thermal Physics".
There is a newer second edition of the text, but it is not available free of charge. The main differences between the editions are in chapters we won't cover.

Grading Scheme:

Numerical grades will be calculated based on EITHER:
    Homework            : 25% 
    In-class Tests      : 40%
    Class Participation : 10% 
    Final Exam          : 25%
    Homework            : 25% 
    Class Participation : 10% 
    Final Exam          : 65%
whichever is higher for each student. This way, poor performance on one or more of the in-class tests can be made up with better performance on the exam... after all, what matters is what you know by the end of the course.

Letter grades will be determined from the numerical grades using:

               A  92-100%    A-  88-92
   B+  84-88   B  80-84      B-  76-80
   C+  72-76   C  68-72      C-  64-68
   D+  60-64   D  55-60      D-  50-55
   F  < 50


A complete (but tentative) class schedule is at the end of this syllabus. Slides will be posted after each lecture on Blackboard, but the lectures will not be recorded. Class participation will be monitored via in-class quizzes (see below). If you can't attend a class, please email me to let me know. Reasonable excuses will be accepted.


There will be eight homework assignments during the semester; the planned due dates are listed in the class schedule. Late homework without an excuse will be graded with a 10% penalty for each day late.


There will be two 50-minute long midterm tests (see the schedule for the dates). An equation sheet will be provided for each test.

Class Participation:

Most lectures will have an in-class quiz, based on the reading, which you will take using your cell phone, laptop or tablet device. They will be multiple-choice, and you will get 50% credit simply for answering the quiz. We will use Poll Everywhere ("PollEV") to answer each quiz. If you have not done so already for another course, please go to to create a PollEv account using your W&M credentials.

Final Exam:

The final exam will be cumulative, i.e., it will include material from the entire course, but will be similar in format to the midterm tests.

Important Dates:

  Last day of Add/Drop:  Mon. Sept. 11
  Last day for Withdrawal: Mon. Oct 30
  Last class: Thu. Dec. 7
  Final Exam:  Tue. Dec. 19, 2:00 - 5:00 pm

Electronic Access:

This syllabus, supplemental materials, and homework solutions will be posted on BlackBoard, accessible via myWM. Homework assignments and readings will be announced in class and posted on Blackboard. I will try to answer any email promptly, but please don't expect a reply after 9:00 pm.

Daily Schedule:

Schedule of readings and topics


William & Mary accommodates students with disabilities in accordance with federal laws and university policy. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a learning, psychiatric, physical, or chronic health diagnosis should contact Student Accessibility Services staff at 757-221-2512 or at to determine if accommodations are warranted and to obtain an official letter of accommodation. For more information, please see
Dept. of Physics
William and Mary
last updated: Sept. 1 2023