Useful sites. Have fun exploring!

Good starting places with lots of links:

The home page for the text: Astronomy Today 2e:
Astronomy Today

An excellent set of links compiled for the text ``Discovering the Universe'' by William J. Kaufmann III and Neil F. Comins (W. H. Freeman, 1996).
Discovering the Universe

Some more places to explore...
The Hubble Telescope
HST Images by Subject
Space Telescope Electronic Information Service

Image and data archives
Astronomical pictures & animations - An online 3 gigabytes astronomical server
Mars Atlas home page
NSSDC Photo Gallery
Space Images Archive
And more images..

The Messier catalog
SEDS Messier Database

Comets and meteors
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter
Comets and Meteor Showers

The Earth's Magnetosphere
NASA Goddard's magnetosphere site

Educational links
NASA K-12 Internet: Live from the Hubble Space Telescope
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Astronomy Links
SEDS Internet Headquarters
Welcome to the Planets
Allentown planetarium + links...

Journals, online news, commercial links, etc.
Science Magazine
Science News Magazine
The New York Times
SKY Online - Sky Publishing Corporation (an eclectic collection including NASA Watch, Astrobiology, etc.)

NASA links
NASA World Wide Web Information by Center
NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Home Page
Magellan Mission to Venus (JPL)
NASA Extragalactic Database

Center for Mars Exploration Home Page
The Case for Mars (want to go??)
The OFFICIAL String Theory Website
Physical Constants and Astronomical Data

Helioseismology (GONG)
Global Oscillation Network Group

Gravity wave detectors (LIGO)
LIGO Home Page

How to make a telescope...
The ATM Page

Imaging Radar... lot's of interesting images of the Earth.
The imaging radar homepage