FUNCTION: dmc - computes ground state energy and wave function for
               particle in a box of length 2.
   dmc(tau,n_equil_blks, n_meas_blks, n_sweeps,n_wlks)
   tau          - (imaginary) time step size (Del_tau in class)
   n_equil_blks - number of blocks used to equilibrate the random walk
   n_meas_blks  - number of blocks used to measure energy
                  Must be greater than 1; see aver_error in output.
   n_sweeps     - number of steps -- sweeps thru walkers -- in each block
   n_wlks       - number of walkers used to represent wave function
                  in each step 

- Scheme of code is as follows:
  1. Randomly initialize the walkers and set up histogram to store them. 
  2. Equilibrate -- let random walk converge to ground state.  
  3. Measure the ground-state energy and wavefunction. 
  4. Output energy, error estimate and wavefunction in form of histogram
     in a file histdata.
  5. There is a program plt which will plot histogram of walkers and 
     compare it to the exact wavefunction.
- Running time grows as (n_equil_blks + n_meas_blks) * n_sweeps * n_wlks;
  Second example below is 12 times as long as first example.
dmc(0.05, 1, 2,  5, 10);
dmc(0.05, 4, 5, 10, 20);

FUNCTION: energy - for each step (of all walkers), returns estimate 
          of numerator and denominator for computing energy in dmc.
   None but uses wlks (array of walkers), trlwfn (trial wavefunction).

- Scheme of code is as follows:
  1. Go thru all the walkers, for each position
     adds H*phi_T for that position to numerator
     adds phi_T for that position to denominator
  2. Returns both numerator and denominator
- Present trial wavefunction is phi_T(x) = (1-x^2)^2.

FUNCTION: gaussian - generates a Gaussian random number 
                     with zero mean and unit variance.

- Based on the Box-Mueller algorithm discussed in class (Mon, 1/27).
- The scheme is as follows:  
  1. Generate two random numbers x and y between [-1..1].
  2. Exclude those (x,y) such r = x^2 + y^2 >= 1.
  3. From the "inverse factor" fac = sqrt(-2 ln(r))/r, we can produce
     two gaussian distributed numbers: (x*fac, y*fac).
  Note that the code avoids direct computations of 'cos' and 'sin', 
  which are expensive.
- This scheme is efficient; A VERY GOOD EXERCISE would be to 
  compare it with the Metropolis algorithm.

FUNCTION: initialize - initializes walkers and histogram.
   initialize(tau, n_equil_blks, n_meas_blks, n_sweeps, n_wlks)
   Same as used by main program dmc.
- Dmc calls this function automatically.
- Scheme of code is as follows:
  1. Generates initial walker distribution (e.g., uniform inside box).
  2. Initailizes value of histogram (wave function) in each bin 
     to zero.
  3. Creates functions - midpt - for computing midpoint position 
     of each histogram bin - and bin - for computing which bin a 
     given position x is in.
  4. Also evaluates tauinv = 1/tau and rrtau = sqrt(tau) that are 
     used elsewhere.

FUNCTION: output - puts successively numbered runs into file "histdata"
          The principal data list is called dataN where N is run number.
          The list contains histogram data for sampled wave function 
          as well as exact wave function for plotting.
   None actually, but global varables are passed and created.
              the most important of which are:
  histarray - where output puts the histrogram data prior to output.
  histdata  - name of file where output stores results for plotting
  dataN     - data structue with wave function histogram suitable for 
              plotting.  The number N is assigned automatically and
              is printed on screen for your information.
- Prints on screen at conclusion of run: energy, error,
                                         run number (N), execution time
- Rest of data is put in file histdata.  Some data is printed as a
  comment such as the details of run parameters.   These run parameters
  are also printed in the first two lines of the file dataN but are not
  presently used by programs.
- Most of data structure dataN contains the histogram: bins, computed 
  wavefunction and exact wavefunction for use by plotting routine.

FUNCTION: plt - make plot comparing histogram of diffusion Monte
                Carlo wave function and exact wave function.
   read histdata;
   plot_dev - the choices are x11 (xterminal), ps (postscript)
              term (dumb terminal), vt100 (vt100 emulator).
              The default is term.
   data_set - the number of the data set you want to plot.  These
              numbers are generated at end of each use of dmc.
- NOTE: must "read histdata;' prior to running plt.
  This needs to be done only once unless you run dmc again.
- Produces a plot that compares DMC and exact wave functions.
  You can modify to put several DMC wave functions on same plot.

FUNCTION: step - does one step of random walk (sweep thru all walkers)
   None, but there are global variables shared with other routines:
   rr()       - generates uniform random numbers between 0 and 1.
   gaussian() - generates gaussian random numbers with mean of zero
                and variance of unity.
   wlks       - array storing the walkers.
   tauinv     - 1/tau, used in computing image correction of the 
                free Green's function, due to boundary condition
   rttau      - sqrt(tau), used in generating free Green's function.
- Used inside the main program [dmc] to generate new set of walkers
  for each sweep.  But idea of code is reusable.
- Scheme of code is as follows: [ going right to left in Eq. (3) ]
  (a). Pick at random a walker whose value is a position -1=<dnow=<1
  (b). Generate potential new walker from diffusion with free Green's
       function g_0, namely, dnxt := dnow + rttau*gaussian();
  (c). Now deal with K(dnxt,dnow):
       1). Test if dnxt is consistent with being inside length-two box.
           Free Green's function g_0 extends to infinity.
       2). P in eq. (4) is exp(-2(1-abs(dnow))(1-abs(dnxt))/tau).  
           If this is less than a random number, we accept dnxt.
           Otherwise return to step (a).
- If program does not work, set printlevel to at least 5. And then type
  step();  If output not informative, increase printlevel to 10.