Phys690: Homework Assignment 5


==> Due on Wed 11/19 <==

(1). Particle in a box --- Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo.

We use the diffusion Monte Carlo method to study the ground state of a simple quantum system -- a particle in a one-dimensional box. Here are some notes (pdf file) to remind you of the background. A Maple program, with brief documentations, are provided. While understanding every single detail of the code is not a requirement, it is essential that you understand its idea and basic structure. Simply running the code is not the right way to proceed. By the time you do ``production runs'' to write up the homework, you need to have done enough reading and experimenting so that you are familiar with the code.

The code is written such that, if necessary, data analysis can be easily separated from the calculation. After storing the code as file_nm, start Maple and then type ``read file_nm;'' to get going.

  • Statistical dependence. How do you expect the statistical error in the computed ground-state energy E0 to depend on the number of walkers, the number of blocks (measurements), and the number of steps (sweeps) in each block, respectively? Observe with runs. Use the parameter choice ``dmc(0.1, 1, 7, 40, 100);'' as a reference; your runs should be comparable to or bigger than it (i.e., tau smaller, n_wlks greater, and the combination of n_meas_blks and n_sweeps greater). If the number of steps in each block is made very small, what happens to the error estimate? Why? Demonstrate by running two calculations with the same total number of steps, but different ways to divide them into blocks, e.g., dmc(0.1, 1, 7, 40, 100) vs. dmc(0.1, 20, 140, 2, 100).

  • Comparison of histogram with exact wave function. Understand how in the code the histogram is prepared and normalized so as to compare with the exact ground-state wave function. Do a large calculation, say, ``dmc(0.05, 1, 10, 100, 200);'', to obtain a plot.

  • Dependence on step size tau. As we learned in class, there is a systematic error associated with a finite value of the ``time'' step tau. Remind yourself why. Calculate with a few different tau values (e.g., from 0.05 to 0.3) and see how the systematic error in E0 depend on tau. Use at least 200 for n_wlks. In actual research, either an extrapolation is done with several values of tau, or it is made certain that tau is small enough such that the systematic error is smaller than the statistical error.

  • Dependence on the trial wave function phiT. What is the variational energy of the current choice of phiT? Invent another trial wave function that has a better variational energy and modify the subroutine energy to use it. If phiT happens to be the exact ground-state wave function, what happens to the computed E0 and its statistical error? How does the mean of our estimate for E0 depend on the quality of phiT? What about its statistical error?

  • Convergence of the random walk. (Optional) Compute the energy at each step as the random walk begins and is converging. Study how it depends on the propagation time n*tau. This can be done by setting n_equil_blks=0 and n_sweeps=1 and printing out blk_energy. The value for n_meas_blks needs only to be large enough such that the total propagation time n*tau is ~0.5. Use a small tau and a large number of walkers (>103) in order to get adequate statistics. Then, using whatever knowledge necessary about the quantum-mechanical system, analytically predict the the computed E at each step and compare with your ``experiment''. [Hint: The initial wave function is phi(x) = 1 (-1 < x <1), which can be expanded in terms of eigenfunctions. As we apply exp(-tau H) successively to the expansion, what happens?] Study how the walker distribution evolves as a function of n.

    (2). Regular fractals.

    We discussed in class the Koch curve and fractal dimension. Write a program in a language of your choice to generate the triadic Koch curve. Show results for a suitable number (at least 5) of iterations. Then modify the code to generate the quadric Koch curve. Determine their fractal dimensions.