==> Due on Monday 9/22 in class <==
(1). Error analysis and the central limit theorem.
File data contains a set of results from the pi calculation we discussed in class. It has n=2500 numbers, each a measurement of pi with m=10000 points thrown in the square. Here we will analyze this data using Maple.
Download the data file, e.g., as 'data' in a directory that you make for this homework. On the linux machines in Physics (see 'things to note when computing' and 'Maple quick reference page'), you can start a regular session by typing maple or the X-window version by xmaple. (With the latter, display must be set properly.)
Attached is a list of Maple commands which will do most of the analysis. (They can also be found in a separate file commands, which you can download.) Please feel free to just run these to get going, but please be sure that by the end of this exercise you understand what the code is doing.
Maple commands: ('#" indicates comments.)
with(stats): # These 2 lines read in Maple packages for histogram; with(stats[statplots]): # ':' at the end of a statement suppresses output; # ';' allows it. aa := readdata(data): # Read data into a list called 'aa'. ndim := nops(aa); # number of elements in list 'aa'. histogram(aa,color=yellow); # Just to see what the distribution looks like; # note graph size can be adjusted. xavg := sum(aa[i],i=1..ndim)/ndim; xsigma := sqrt(sum(aa[i]^2,i=1..ndim)/ndim - xavg^2); error := xsigma/sqrt(ndim); # bb := aa[1..100]: # Assigns to list 'bb' the portion of 'aa' # between the 1st and the 100th elements.
(2). Drawing a Fern.
As we have learned, natural processes that are subject to chance influences can produce objects of high regularity. To demonstrate this, write a program to iteratively generate points in two-dimensional space using the following rules:
(x_{n+1},y_{n+1}) = / (0.5,0.27*y_n), with 2% probability; | | (-0.139*x_n + 0.263*y_n + 0.57, 0.246*x_n + 0.224*y_n - 0.036), with 15% probability; < | (0.17*x_n - 0.215*y_n + 0.408, 0.222*x_n + 0.176*y_n + 0.0893), with 13% probability; | \ (0.781*x_n + 0.034*y_n + 0.1075, -0.032*x_n + 0.739*y_n + 0.27), with 70% probability.[Click for pdf or postscript version of this problem, where you may find the equation easier to read.]
Start from an initial point (x_1,y_1)=(0.5,0.0). Carry out the iteration at least 30,000 times and plot all the data you obtain (as points) in an x-y plot.