Phys622: Homework Assignment 5


==> Due on Thursday 04/10 in class <==

(1) Sakurai Problem 6.1a (part (a) only).

(2) An electron on a lattice, revisited.

We return to the problem of ``an electron on a lattice'' that we did last semester. Instead of a closed system of N sites, we now include periodic boundary conditions in our model to represent the extended nature of the crystal. That is, the system repeats itself after N sites:

     ..... o----o----o-- .... --o----o - - x -- x .....
           1    2    3         N-1   N    N+1  N+2
Site N+1 is equivalent to site 1, N+2 to 2, and so on. Put another way, the N sites can be thought of as forming a ring with site 1 being near-neighbors with sites 2 and N. The state of the electron is still a vector of dimension N. The Hamiltonian is given by an N by N matrix whose elements are:
              / - 1,  if i and j are near-neighbors;
     H_{ij} = |
              \ 0  ,  otherwise.

  1. To be specific, let's choose N=35 and study the system numerically. Here are some Maple commands in case you find them useful .

  2. Now let us solve the same problem analytically for any N. You will notice that this model is essentially the same as the tight-binding model discussed in Sakurai, except that we impose periodic boundary conditions. In other words, we are considering a ring while Sakurai considered an infinite lattice.

(3) Sakurai Problem 6.4.