Phys622 : (Spring 2008)
Quantum Mechanics II
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Course description:
This course is for graduate students in Physics and related areas.
Its goal is to help students acquire an advanced foundation in quantum
It assumes
undergraduate-level physics background, plus knowledge of Phys621.
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Preliminary course outline:
- Fundamental concepts, again. (11 lectures)
Dirac notations;
eigenvalues and operators; spins; time evolution and
quantum dynamics; axioms of quantum theory; path integrals.
- Symmetry and many-body systems
(7 lectures)
Parity, lattice translation, rotation,
time reversal symmetries; bosons, fermions and
permutation symmetry; simple applications to many-body systems
- Time dependent perturbation theory and scattering
(6 lectures)
Time-dependent perturbation theory; interaction with light; scattering
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Textbook: On reserve in Swem library
- "Modern Quantum Mechanics," by J. J. Sakurai,
edited by S. F. Tuan, Revised Edition
(Addison-Wesley, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 1994) ISBN 0-201-53929-2.
Reference Books (many of these are on reserve in the Physics Library):
Baym, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics.
QC174.1 .B35
Cohen-Tannoudji, Quantum Mechanics, 1977. QC 174.12 C6313
Dirac, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 1958. QC 174.3 D5 1958
Gasiorowicz, Quantum Physics, 2nd ed., 1996.
QC 174.12 G37 1996
Gottfried, Quantum Mechanics. QC 174.1 G64
Gottfried and Yan, Quantum Mechanics: fundamentals, 2003.
QC 174.12 G68
Landau and Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics: non-relativistic theory,
1977. QC 174.12 L3513
Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics, 1970. QC 174.12 M47 1998
Messiah, Quantum Mechanics. QC 174.1 M413
Schwabl, Quantum Mechanics. QC 174.12 S38713 1991.
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- 50% --- homework (7 sets)
- 25% --- mid-term (take-home)
- 25% --- final exam
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