==> Due on Tuesday 11/7 in class <==
(1) Particle in a box --- in pdf or postscript file.
(2) Dipole sum rules --- in pdf or postscript file.
(3) Sakurai Problem 2.4.
Based on your result, if the particle is initially in a well-localized state, will it remain in a well-localized state? (Please justify your answer.) In the case of the Gaussian wave packet we studied in HW3, is this conclusion consistent with your earlier results?
(4) Sakurai Problem 2.9
Note that this deals with the time evolution of our electron on a one-dimensional crystal problem of HW1, problem 3, with N=2. This problem can come again, disguised in various ways, e.g., in terms of a spin-1/2 system, or with no disguise at all --- see Problem 2.8 in Sakurai! It's important to thoroughly understand it.