Marc Sher - Professor

College of William and Mary

Picture of Bev and me

Memorial to Jonathan.

Detailed summaries (written for the layman) of my research, service to the scientific community and teaching

B.Sc., UCLA , 1974; PhD, University of Colorado , 1980.

Research Interests:

Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology -

Detailed summary for the layman of my research is here


NSF Program Director in Theoretical High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 2013-2015.

Currenly NSF Program Director in Integrative Activities in Physics program - deals with all Physics REU programs, the KITP and many other things

Detailed summary of my teaching at William and Mary is here

Science Community:

Have conducted extensive survey on Dual Career Couples. Summary appeared in APS News (front cover) in February 1999, and in Physics Today in July 1999. Long (50 page) report is here. It has been downloaded over 40,000 times.

Recent Publications

Contact points:

Office/Cell:  (757) 603-7359
FAX:     (757) 221-3540
Snail-Mail:   Dept. of Physics
              College of William and Mary
              Williamsburg, Virginia
              23187    USA