World Wide Web Links


General Philosophical Resources

Philosophy Around the Web
Philosophy Resources - A Routledge Guide
The Philosopher's Page
Philosophy in Cyberspace
The Hume Archives
The Wittgenstein Archives
The Existential Home Page
Philosophy of Religion Resources

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
St. Augustine of Hippo
On Christian Doctrine
The Consolation of Philosophy
St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologia
Summa Contra Gentiles
The Labyrinth--Web Server for Medieval Studies (Georgetown University

Contemporary Continental Philosophy

Karl Marx
Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche Society
Martin Heidegger
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Jean-Paul Sartre
Albert Camus
Michel Foucault
Jacques Derrida
Everything Postmodern

Theological Resources and Texts

Finding God in Cyberspace --A Guide to Religious Resources
St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul
The C. S. Lewis WWW Page
Fides Quaerens Internetum
"Evangelicals and Catholics Together"

Books, Bookshops, and Publishers

Blackwell's Bookshop, Oxford, England
The Bookshops of Various European Cities
Borders Books and Music
AAUP Combined Online Catalog/Bookstore
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge University Press
Harvard University Press
Ignatius Press
Indiana University Press
IVP Press
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Penguin USA

Media and Music

The New Republic
Texas Monthly
USA Today
The Atlantic Monthly
National Public Radio
Third World Press
George--Not Just Politics as Usual
Time Magazine
Sports Illustrated
Johann Sebastian Bach
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
JAZZ Online!
Red Hot and Cool Jazz
Windham Hill Records

Other Resources and Web Sites

Christian Scholar's Review
The Writer's Almanac, with Garrison Keillor
William Faulkner Web Site
Amnesity International
The Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia
Institute for Ecumenical Research, University of Tübingen
National Endowment for the Humanities
The Pulitzer Prize Board
