Mountain View, CA 94043
Telephone: (650) 966-5522
Fax: (650) 969-3546
I received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Institute of Optics
at the University of Rochester in 1977 and 1983, respectively.
For the last 15 years, I have been developing new products for
Spectra-Physics Lasers and I am currently the Advanced R &
D Manager for Industrial and Scientific Lasers. In addition to
authoring numerous journal articles, conference presentations
and seminars, I co-authored a book chapter on Ultrafast Nonlinear
Optics and hold more than 20 patents. I was the principal designer
on three products, the Tsunami, the Opal and the Millennia X,
which have won technology achievement awards. I have served the
optics community as the Ultrafast Phenomena topical editor for
JOSA B, the chair of the Lasers Technical Group and a member of
the CLEO steering committee. Currently, I am the program co-chair
for CLEO 1999 and will be the general co-chair for 2001. I am
known for my ability to explain complex topics to non-technical
audiences and I am pleased to be selected as a Distinguished Travelling
Lecturer by the Division of Laser Science of the APS.
Possible topics for presentation to a general audience:
Diode-pumped solid-state lasers: a new generation (with demonstrations)
Ultrafast Lasers and Ultrafast Science
Possible topics for presentation to the hosting department:
Ultrafast laser sources and applications
Multi-photon microscopy: a new application for ultrafast lasers
Nonlinear optics for wavelength conversion
In addition to these topics, I will be happy to discuss my opinions on the market for scientific and industrial lasers, how new products are developed at a major laser manufacturer, technology transfer between universities and industry, and issues involved in obtaining patents. I am available beginning in the fall of 1999.