Prof. Roy Champion
Wendy Vogan, PhD student


Experimental work in the field of Atomic and Molecular physics is
currently concentrated in the areas of ion-atom (molecule) collision
physics and ion-surface collisions. In both of these fields, the
underlying purpose is to develop a detailed understanding of the
various dynamic mechanisms which are important in low-energy atomic
collisions. Examples of specific processes include charge transfer and
electron detachment in ion-atom collisions, and secondary electron
emission in ion-surface collisions. The results of the studies are
related to a variety of applied areas, such as plasma generation and
modification of substrates, understanding the molecular balance of the
atmosphere, chemical lasers, increasing the luminosity of flat-panel

Please use the following links for more information on our surface
and gas phase experiments.

To learn about graduate research opportunities at Atomic and Molecular
Physics laboratories please contact Dr. Champion or visit our laboratories
at rooms 321 and 313 of Small Hall (Physics Department).

Front page - Introduction - Surface - Gas phase - Physics Dept.