Application for Departmental Honors in Physics

Please use the form below to apply for the departmental honors program in physics.
Name: Advisor:

Tentative Honors Project Title and One-Paragraph Description:

Physics Concentration Declared:

Physics courses taken/to be taken:
  1. For the courses you have taken please fill in the instructor and grade.
  2. For courses to be taken fill in the semester/year in the instructor blank and leave the grade as none.
  3. For courses you have not taken please leave the entry blank.
  4. For the courses you are currently taking please fill in instructor and leave grade as none.
Course Instructor Grade
Phys 101: General Physics
Phys 102: General Physics
Phys 201: Modern Physics
Phys 208: Classical Mechanics of Particles and Waves I
Phys 251: Experimental Atomic Physics
Phys 252: Electronics I
Phys 303: Classical Mechanics of Particles and Waves II
Phys 309: Undergraduate Seminar
Phys 313: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Phys 314: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Phys 351: Electronics II
Phys 352: Experimental Modern Physics
Phys 401: Electricity and Magnetism
Phys 402: Electricity and Magnetism
Phys 403: Thermodynamics and Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
Math 111: Calculus
Math 112: Calculus
Math 211: Linear Algebra
Math 212: Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
Math 302: Ordinary Differential Equations

QPA:(last semester)

Other relevant information: