Spooky Challnge (for brave souls of all ages)

On the Thirteens PhysicsFest weird creatures are abound, and strange phenomenons occur!
Freeze everything with Liquid Nitrogen! Take a ride on a modern broomstick (aka hovercraft)! Bubbles! Lasers! Plasma! And more! Open all day!

Make sure to collect your reward from the Small Hall Foyer once you finish your haunted house tour.

Addams Family Play Room

Location: Small 122

  • Face Painting
  • Coloring Pages
  • Spooky Sciency Toys

Indoor stations

Location: First floor corridor of Small Hall

  • Frankenstein’s Lab Microwave
  • Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble
  • Witch’s Broom Ride Hovercraft
  • Math Club + CAMS Club Paranormal Distribution
  • Egg-toplasm drop
  • Ghost Busters Archery

(Not too scary) Dark room

Location: Small 132

  • Laser Un-Death Machine
  • Laser Cornfield Maze
  • Plasma Orbs

Outdoor stations (if the weather is cooperating)

Location: Small Hall Lawn

  • BOO-bleck Pool
  • Liquid Nitrogen Monster Smash
  • Fright Flight stomp rockets
  • NOBCCHE Chemistry Witchcraft