Join the PhysicsFest SuperPhysicsQuest!
Open All Day
The SuperHero PhysicsQuest
Every superhero needs gizmos and special skills to help them along their journey. Visit as many stations as you can, and collect your reward!
Freeze everything with Liquid Nitrogen! Take a ride on a hovercraft! Bubbles! Explosions! And more! Open all day!
Make sure to collect your reward from the Small Hall Foyer once you finish your journey.

Indoor stations
Location: First floor coridor of Small Hall
- Captain Marvel-ous Microwave
- Powerpuff girls presents Bubbles’ bubbles
- SHIELD Helicarrier Hovercraft
- Math Club Joker casino
- Penguin’s Egg Heist
- Magneto’s Magnificent electrons
- Liquid Nitrogen Hulk Smash
Dark room stations
Location: Small 132
- Laser Death Machine
- Starfire’s plasma show
Outdoor stations (if the weather is cooperating)
Location: Small Hall Lawn
- Clay Face Oobleck Pool
- Iron Man’s flight testing
- Hawkeye’s training camp
- NOBCCHE Chemistry Wizardry