
Meet the next generation of great researchers and enjoy the firework of dazzling science as our undergraduate students will compete in lightning talk competition. Each of them in 5 minutes will tell about their research project and try to convince everyone that they are worth the grand prize.

Location: Small Hall 111

Schedule of Lightning Talks

Time Presenter Subject
1:00 PM Dr. David Armstrong Introductory Remarks
1:05 PM Ramisa Rahman Preliminary Faraday Rotation Results Associated with the Photoionized Gas of IC1396
1:13 PM Balin Armstrong Trivializing Maps for the O(2) Model in Two Dimensions
1:21 PM Jordan Shields Characterizing Thin Films for Electron-on-Helium Qubit Devices · GRAND PRIZE
1:29 PM Paul Anderson Modeling Plasmas Using Quantum Computers · HONORABLE MENTION
1:37 PM Jude Bedessem Hardwall Holographic QCD and Quark Gluon Plasmas
1:45 PM Leo Murphy Plasma Physics at LAPD
1:53 PM Ryan Yoder Silver Colloids and Ions on Bacteria Tumbling Rates · HONORABLE MENTION