October 19, 10 am
Small Hall (behind Phi Beta
Kappa Memorial Hall)
Campus Map
years PhysicsFest theme is

reverse the flow of time and remind ourselves of how scientific discovery
brought to live all the technologies and devices we now cannot do
without. We will explore the basic principles of TV, radio, electronics
and many others. We will have something exciting for all ages and
knowledge levels! All the visitors are invited to travel back in time in
a fun and safe way!
Full schedule at a glance
Join us for our
7th annual
Undergraduate Physics poster session and competition
List of presenters
Location Small
Hall Library, 10-11.30am
Come and see what the next
generation of scientists and researchers are up to!
Visit research labs (12 - 2pm)
Have you ever
wondered how a research lab really looks? This is your chance to see
several physics and applied science labs and talk to people who work
Mumtaz Qazilbash - Photon
spectroscopy (Room 024)
Todd Averett Hyperpolarized Gases
for Nuclear Physics (Room 163)
Enrico Rossi Theory of Artificial and Quantum Materials (Room 160)
Irina Novikova
Quantum optics and Atomic Physics (Room 065)
Seth Aubin Bose-Einstein
Condensates (Room 069)
Daylight astronomy? Why not! Head to
the lawn in front of the Small Hall to see the Sun and planets as youve
never seen them before.
Observations start at 10am,
weather permitting.
Want to try your
hands on physics experiments?
Follow the
timeline of great scientific discoveries and inventions just by strolling
down the Small Hall corridor!
Go back in time
to rediscover the pivotal moments in the history of science and technology, and see
how these discoveries will define our future! Learn about the evolution of an atomic model,
explore different historical communication methods and see why an invention of transistor was so critical,
Also make sure to visit our laser maze and see if you can pass it without triggering any alarms!
And as a reward take a ride on a hovercraft!
Location First
floor corridor in Small Hall
10am 4pm
Come to our Physics Playroom!
hands-on science for everyone from 1 to 101!
Location Small
Hall 122
Open 10am 4pm
If it is not
raining, make sure to check our Physics for Outsiders!
oobleck pool! Rocket launches! Sun telescopes!
Location the lawn
outside Small Hall
Open 10am 4pm
Interactive demo shows
excitement for all ages. Who knew physics may be so much fun!
Location Small
Hall 110
Demo shows
start at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.15pm
Small Hall Makerspace
You will learn
how you can make your dream project a reality with a help of a 3D printer
or some other tools.
Location Small Hall 224, open 10
- 4 pm
to know more about cutting-edge science, explained in plain English?
Public lectures from Physics professors
No prior physics
knowledge required!
Location Small
Hall 111
11.00 am
Patricia Vahle
Neutrino mass and oscillations
Nobel-inspired lecture
12.00 pm
Marc Sher
Precision cosmology and exoplanets
1.00 pm
Dana Lashley
The History of Drug Development
2.00 pm
Keith Griffioen
Music to Your Ears