October 21, 10 am
– 4pm
Small Hall (behind Phi Beta
Kappa Memorial Hall)
Campus Map
Full schedule at a glance
year’s PhysicsFest theme is

Want to touch a star? Run through an asteroid belt? Learn about gravitational waves zooming through
the Universe? All family is invited to an exciting ride through space: come and see
where science can lead you! We have activities for all ages and interests, absolutely free and open for everyone!
Join us for our
5th annual
Undergraduate Physics poster session and
Location – Small
Hall Library, 10-11.30am
Come and see what the next
generation of scientists and researchers are up to!
Visit research labs (12 - 2pm)
Have you ever
wondered how a research lab really looks? This is your chance to see
several physics and applied science labs and talk to people who work
Participating scientists
Seth Aubin – Bose-Einstein
Condensates (Room 067)
Averett – Hyperpolarized Gases for
Nuclear Physics (Room 167)
Mumtaz Qazilbash -
Photon spectroscopy (Room 024)
Gina Hoatson – Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (NMR) and Superconducting Magnets (Room 115)

For our younger
visitors we offer an exciting treasure hunt – find out possible space applications
for the research projects at the different labs!
Why not! Head to the lawn in front of the Small Hall to see the Sun and
planets as you’ve never seen them before.
Observations start at 10am,
weather permitting.
Want to try your
hands on physics experiments?
Explore all kinds
of waves in our interactive displays!
Get a start on astronaut training
in our space obstacle course, check out how the distant constallations look like, see where you can find
superconductivity in space, check out how heavy things are on different planets, and much more!
Also see space robots fighting, and take a ride on a hovercraft!
Location – First floor
corridor in Small Hall
Open 10am – 4pm
Come to our Physics Playroom!
hands-on science for everyone from 1 to 101!
Location – Small
Hall 122
Open 10am – 4pm
If it is not
raining, make sure to check our Physics for
Giant oobleck pool! Rocket launches! Sun telescopes!
Location – the
lawn outside Small Hall
Open 10am – 4pm
demo shows
excitement for all ages. Who knew physics may be so much fun!
Location – Small
Hall 110
Demo shows
start at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.15pm
Visit Small
Hall Makerspace to learn how you can make your dream project a
reality with a help of a 3D printer or some other tools, or to create
your own reality with a virtual reality glasses.
Location – Small Hall 143, open 12
- 4 pm
Want to know more
about cutting-edge science, explained in plain English?
lectures from Physics professors
No prior physics
knowledge required!
Location – Small
Hall 111
11.00 am
Marc Sher
The Big Bang
Nobel-inspired lecture
12.00 pm
Eugeniy Mikhailov
LIGO and discovery of the gravitational waves
1.00 pm
Hannes Schniepp
The Quest for the Elementary Particles of Silk — Revealing the Secrets of Spider Man's Wonder Material
2.00 pm
Jacob Gunnarson
Cassini: Photographing the Beauty of Saturn