John B. Delos                                                                                                     Spring 2003

            Professor of Physics

            College of William and Mary

            Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

(757) 221-3511


B. S. (Chemistry), University of Michigan, 1965; Ph.D. (Physical Chemistry), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970


Research Associate - University of British Columbia - 1970-1971; Assistant Professor - College of William and Mary 1971-1977; Associate Professor - College of William and Mary - 1977-1983; Visiting Research Scientist, FOM Institute, Amsterdam, 1979-1980; Consultant, Naval Surface Weapons Center, 1981; Professor - College of William and Mary - 1983-present; Visiting Fellow, JILA, 1986-87; Visiting Scientist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 1992; Visiting Fellow, JILA, 1994-1995.


1963-65 - Moses Gomberg Scholarship, University Michigan

1965-70 - N.S.F. Graduate Fellowship, M.I.T.

            1975 - ΦBK Faculty Award for Advancement of Scholarship, William and Mary, "in recognition of distinguished teaching and meritorious scholarship."

1981 - Alumni Fellowship, William and Mary

1989 - Fellow of the American Physical Society, "For his many contributions to the field of atomic and molecular collisions, and for providing insight into the relationships between the classical and quantal behavior of atomic systems."

1990 - Outstanding Scientist of Virginia, (presented by Governor D. Wilder for the Science Museum of Virginia)


Full range of academic physics courses; also short courses on nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and atomic physics at Los Alamos, at Cuernavaca, and elsewhere.


            Board of Directors, Telluride Summer Workshops in Theoretical Chemistry 1988; Program Committee Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), American Physical Society, 1988-1990; Member of DAMOP Executive Committee, 1992-93; Co-organized and Chaired Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Atomic Physics at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 9/30-10/2/1993; Co-organized symposium on Chaos at DAMOP-APS Divisional Meeting, 1993; Co-organized Workshop on Classical Orbits and Interferences in Designer Atoms at Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 1997; Vice Chair, H.P. Broida Prize Committee, American Physical Society, 1996; Chair, H.P. Broida Prize Committee, American Physical Society, 1998; Vice Chair, Gordon Conference on Atomic Physics, 1995-7; Chair, Gordon Conference on Atomic Physics, 1997-9. Chair Line, Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, American Physical Society, 1999-2003. (Vice Chair 1999-2000, Incoming Chair 2000-1, Chair 2001-2, Past Chair 2002-3.)


RESEARCH: Refereed publications

Energy Moment Methods in Quantum Mechanics

            J. B. Delos and S. M. Blinder

            J. Chem. Phys. 47, 2784 (1967).

Studies of the Potential Curve Crossing Problem I.  Analysis of Stueckelberg's


W. R. Thorson, J. B. Delos and S. A. Boorstein

            Phys. Rev. A 4, 1052 (1971).

Solutions of the Two-State Potential-Curve-Crossing Problem.

            J. B. Delos and W. R. Thorson

            Phys. Rev. Letters 28, 647 (1972).

Semiclassical Theory of Inelastic Collisions I.  Classical Picture and Semiclassical


            Phys. Rev. A 6, 709 (1972).

Semiclassical Theory of Inelastic Collisions II.  Momentum Space Formulation.

            J. B. Delos and W. R. Thorson

            Phys. Rev. A 6, 720 (1972).


Studies of the Potential Curve Crossing Problem II.  General Theory and a Model for Close Crossings.

            J. B. Delos and W. R. Thorson

            Phys. Rev. A 6, 728 (1972).

On the Reactions of N2 with O.

            J. Chem. Phys. 59, 2365 (1973).

Electron Detachment in Low-Energy Collisions of H- and D- with He

            S. K. Lam, J. B. Delos, R. L. Champion and L. D. Doverspike

            Phys. Rev. A 9, 1828 (1974).

Studies of the Potential Curve Crossing Problem III.  Collisional Spectroscopy of Close Crossings.

            Phys. Rev. A 9, 1626 (1974).

Semiclassical Calculation of Regge Poles.

            J. B. Delos and C. E. Carlson

            Phys. Rev. A 11, 210 (1975).

Dynamic Renner Effect in Collisions of C+ with H2.

            E. Herbst and J. B. Delos

            Chem. Phys. Lett. 42, 54 (1976).

On Regge Trajectories for Ion-Atom and Atom-Atom Potentials.

            J. N. L. Connor, J. B. Delos and C. E. Carlson

            Mol. Phys. 31, 1181 (1976).

Generalization of the Rosen-Zener Model of Noncrossing Interactions. 

I.  Total Cross Sections.

            T. R. Dinterman and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A15, 462 (1977).

Generalization of the Rosen-Zener Model of Noncrossing Interactions. 

II.  Differential Cross Sections.

            T. R. Dinterman and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A15, 475 (1977).

Semiclassical Calculation of Energy Levels for Nonseparable Systems.

            J. B. Delos and R. T. Swimm

            Chem. Phys. Lett. 47, 76 (1977).

Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions I.  Electron-Translation-Factor Method.

            W. R. Thorson and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 18, 117 (1978).

Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions II.  Scattering Coordinate Method.

            W. R. Thorson and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 18, 135 (1978).

Diabatic and Adiabatic Representations for Atomic Collision Processes.

            J. B. Delos and W. R. Thorson

            J. Chem. Phys. 70, 1774 (1979).


Semiclassical Calculations of Vibrational Energy Levels for Non-Separable Systems Using the Birkhoff-Gustavson Normal Form.

            R. T. Swimm and J. B. Delos

            J. Chem. Phys. 71, 1706 (1979).


Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions III.  Coupled Equations Arising from Expansions Involving Single-Center States.

            Phys. Rev. A 23, 230l (1981).

On the Theory of Near-Adiabatic Collisions.

            Comments on Atomic & Molecular Physics 10, 211 (1981).

Theory of Electronic Excitations in Slow Atomic Collisions.

            Revs. Mod. Phys. 53, 287 (1981).

Theory of Electron Detachment in Collisions of Negative Ions with Atoms.

I. Close-Coupling Formalism and Solution to a Model

            R. D. Taylor and J. B. Delos

            Proc. Royal Society (London) A 379, 179 (1982).

Theory of Electron Detachment in Collisions of Negative Ions with Atoms.

II.  Survival Probability, Differential Elastic Cross-Section, and Total Detachment Cross Section for the H--He System.

            R. D. Taylor and J. B. Delos

            Proc. Royal Society (London) A 379, 209 (1982).


Differential Cross Sections for Elastic Scattering and Electron Detachment in Collisions of Halogen Anions with Noble Gas Atoms.

            C. de Vreugd, R. W. Wijnaendts Van Resandt, J. B. Delos and J. Los

            Chem. Phys. 68, 261 (1982).

Energy Distributions of Electrons Detached in Cl- + Noble Gas Atom Collisions.

            C. de Vreugd, R. W. Wijnaendts Van Resandt, J. B. Delos and J. Los

            Chem. Phys. 68, 275 (1982).

Highly Excited Atoms in a Strong Magnetic Field.

            J. B. Delos, S. K. Knudson and D. W. Noid

            Phys. Rev. Letters 26, 579 (1983).

Highly excited states of a hydrogen atom in a strong magnetic field.

            J. B. Delos, S. K. Knudson and D. W. Noid

            Phys. Rev. A 28, 7 (1983).

Electron Detachment for H-(D-) in Collisions with Ne.

            T. S. Wang and J. B. Delos

            J. Chem. Phys. 79, 4306 (1983).

Resonant States of the Hydrogen Atom in Strong Magnetic Fields.

            D. W. Noid, S. K. Knudson and J. B. Delos

            Chem. Phys. Lett. 100, 367 (1983).

Quantum Theory of Slow Atomic Collisions.

            J. B. Delos

            Int. J. Quantum Chemistry

            Quantum Chemistry Symposium 17, 37-48 (1983).


Electron Detachment in Negative-Ion Collisions.  I.  Time-dependent theory and Models for a Propagator.

            T. W. Wang and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 29, 542 (1984).

Electron Detachment in Negative-Ion Collisions.  II.  The dynamical complex potential.

            T. S. Wang and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 29, 552 (1984).

Construction of a Multidimensional Potential Energy Surface from an Energy Spectrum.

            R. L. Waterland and J. B. Delos

            J. Chem. Phys. 80, 2034 (1984).

Trajectories of an Atomic Electron in a Magnetic Field.

            J. B. Delos, S. K. Knudson and D. W. Noid

            Phys. Rev. A 30, 1208 (1984).

Semiclassical Calculation of Quantum-Mechanical Wave Functions for a

Two-Dimensional Scattering System.

            S. K. Knudson, J. B. Delos and B. Bloom

            J. Chem. Phys. 83, 5703 (1985).

Re-examination of an Early Model of Two-electron Atoms.

            G. E. Wesenberg, D. W. Noid and J. B. Delos

            Chem. Phys. Lett. 118, 72 (1985).

Probability Conservation in Theories of Collisional Ionization and Detachment.

M. L. Du and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 33, 2294 (1986).

Semiclassical Calculation of Quantum-Mechanical Wave-Functions.

J. B. Delos

Adv. Chem. Phys. 65, 161 (1986).

Bound State Semiclassical Wave Functions.

S. K. Knudson, J. B. Delos and D. W. Noid

J. Chem. Phys. 84, 6886 (1986).

Electron Detachment in Negative-Ion Collisions. III. Model Calculations.

T. S. Wang and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 33, 3832 (1986).

Catastrophes and Stable Caustics in Bound States of Hamiltonian Systems.

J. B. Delos

            J. Chem. Phys. 86, 425 (1987).

Collisions of F+ with Ne.

M. Hottoka, B. Roos, J. B. Delos, R. Srivastava, R. B.Sharma and W. Koski

Phys. Rev. A 35, 4515 (1987).

High-Rydberg States of an Atom in Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields.

R. L. Waterland, J. B. Delos and M. L. Du

Phys. Rev. A 35, 5064 (1987).

The Effect of Closed Classical Orbits on Quantum Spectra: Ionization of Atoms in a

Magnetic Field.

M. L. Du and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1731 (1987).

Semiclassical Interpretation of Eigenvectors for Excited Atoms in External Fields.

J. B. Delos, R. L. Waterland and M. L. Du

            Phys. Rev. A 37, 1185 (1988).

Laser-induced Collisional Detachment.

D. Luo, J. B. Delos and S. Geltman

Phys. Rev. A 37, 2361 (1988).

Atomic Electrons in Strong Magnetic Fields: Transition from Elliptical to Helical Behavior.

J. B. Delos, S. K. Knudson, S. D. Sikora, R. L. Waterland and S. Whitworth

Phys. Rev. A 37, 4582 (1988).


Correspondence Principles: The Relationship Between Classical Trajectories and Quantum Spectra.

J. B. Delos and Meng-Li Du

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 24, 1445 (1988).


Effect of Closed Classical Orbits on Quantum Spectra: Ionization of Atoms in a Magnetic Field. I. Physical Picture and Calculations

M. L. Du and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A 38, 1896 (1988).


Effect of Closed Classical Orbits on Quantum Spectra: Ionization of Atoms in a Magnetic Field. II. Derivation of Formulas

M. L. Du and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A 38, 1913 (1988).

Photodetachment of H- in a Magnetic Field.

M. L. Du and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A 38, 5609 (1988).


Mechanism of Collisionally-Induced Transitions among Fine-Structure Levels: Semiclassical Calculations of Alignment Effects in the Na-He System.

L. J. Kovalenko, S. R. Leone and J. B. Delos

J. Chem. Phys. 91, 6948 (1989).

Oscillations in Absorption Spectra of Atoms in Magnetic Fields.

J. B. Delos and M. L. Du

in Atomic Spectra and Collisions in External Fields, K. T. Taylor, M. H.Nayfeh and C. W. Clark, eds, Plenum, N.Y. (1989).

A Close-Coupling Theory of associative Detachment of Electrons from Negative Ions.

S. E. Haywood and J. B. Delos

            Chem. Phys. 145, 253 (1990).

New Forms of Semiclassical Approximations

A. D. Peters and J. B. Delos

in Fundamental Problems in Classical and Quantum Dynamics, Gordon and Breach, N.Y. (1990).

Hamiltonian bifurcation theory of closed orbits in the diamagnetic Kepler problem

J.- M. Mao and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A45, 1746 (1992).


Closed-orbit theory of oscillations in atomic photoabsorption cross sections in a strong electric field. I. Comparison between theory and experiments on hydrogen and sodium above threshold.

J. Gao, J. B. Delos and M. Baruch

Phys. Rev. A46, 1449 (1992)


Closed-orbit theory of oscillations in atomic photoabsorption cross sections in a strong electric field. II. Derivation of formulas.

            J. Gao and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A46, 1455 (1992).

Closed Orbits and Semiclassical Wavefunctions in Two-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems

J.- M. Mao, J. Shaw and J. B. Delos

J. Stat. Phys. 68, 51 (1992).


Closed-Orbit-Theory of Oscillations in the Absorption Spectrum of a Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic Field.

J. Goetz and J. B. Delos

Quantum dynamics of chaotic systems: proceedings of the Third Drexel Symposium on Quantum Nonintegrability, Philadelphia, PA. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Langhorne, PA, 1993.


Photodetachment cross section of H- in crossed electric and magnetic fields. I. Closed-orbit Theory.

Aaron D. Peters and John B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A47, 3020 (1993).


Photodetachment cross section of H- in crossed electric and magnetic fields. II. Quantum formulas and their reduction to the result of the closed-orbit theory.

Aaron D. Peters and John B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A47, 3036 (1993).

Photoabsorption spectra of atoms in parallel electric and magnetic fields.

J.-M. Mao, K. A. Rapelje, S. J. Blodgett-Ford, J. B. Delos, A. König, H. Rinneberg

Phys. Rev. A48, 2117 (1993).

Order and Chaos in Semiconductor Microstructures.

W. A. Lin, J. B. Delos and R. V. Jensen

Chaos 3, 655 (1993).


Recurrence Spectroscopy: Observation and Interpretation of Large-Scale Structure in the Absorption Spectra of Atoms in Magnetic Fields.

J. Main, G. Wiebusch, K. Welge, J. Shaw and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A49, 847 (1994).

Resonances and recurrences in the absorption spectrum of an atom in an electric field.

J. Gao and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A49, 869 (1994).

Quantum Manifestations of Bifurcations of Classical Orbits: An Exactly Solvable Model

A. D. Peters, C. Jaffe and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. Letters 73, 2825 (1994).

Periodic Orbits and Recurrences: An Introduction and Review.

J. B. Delos

Proceedings of the XIV Few-Body Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1993

Few-Body Systems, Supplement 7, p. 68-79 (1994).

Semiclassical treatment of a half-cycle pulse acting on a one-dimensional Rydberg atom

C. D. Schwieters and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 51, 1023 (1995).

Half-cycle pulse acting on a one-dimensional Rydberg atom: Semiclassical transition

amplitudes in action and angle variables

C. D. Schwieters and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 51, 1030 (1995).

Recurrences associated with a classical orbit in the node of a quantum wave function

John A. Shaw, John B. Delos, Michael Courtney and Daniel Kleppner

Phys. Rev. A 51, 3695 (1995).

Closed Orbit Bifurcations in Continuum Stark Spectra

Michael Courtney, Hong JIao, Neal Spellmeyer, Daniel Kleppner, J. Gao and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1538 (1995).

Organization of Sequences of Bifurcations of Periodic Orbits

D. A. Sadovskii, J. A. Shaw and J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2120 (1995).

Semiclassical Scattering in a Circular Semiconductor Microstructure

            C. D. Schwieters, J. A. Alford and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. B 54, 10652 (1996).


Bifurcation of the Periodic Orbits of Hamiltonian Systems: An Analysis using Normal Form Theory

D. A. Sadovskii and J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. E54, 2933 (1996).

Atomic Spectroscopy, Periodic Orbits and Generic Two-Parameter Bifurcations

K. R. Meyer, J. B. Delos and J.-M. Mao

            Fields Institute Communications 8, 93 (1996).

Classical Orbits and Quantum Waves in Natural Atoms and in Designer Atoms

J. B. Delos and C. D. Schwieters

            in Classical, Semiclassical and Quantum Dynamics in Atoms

            Lecture notes in physics, issue 485

            H. Freidrich and B. Eckerdt, Eds., pp. 223-247, Springer (1997).

Semiclassical picture of collision-induced Lambda-doublet transitions in diatomic molecules.

            L. J. Kovalenko, J. B. Delos

            Journal of Chemical Physics, 107, P. 5473-87 (1997)

Semiclassical model of Lambda-doublet states in diatomic molecules.

            L. J. Kovalenko, J. B. Delos

Journal of Chemical Physics, 107, P. 5460-72 (1997)

Recurrence Spectroscopy of a Time-Dependent System: A Rydberg Atom in an Oscillating Field.

N. Spellmeyer, D. Kleppner, M. Haggerty, V. Kondratovich, J. Delos, J. Gao

            Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, P. 1650-3 (1997) 

Quantum manifestations of bifurcations of closed orbits in the photoabsorption spectra of atoms in electric fields.

            J. Gao, J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 56, P.356-64 (1997)

Quantum manifestations of bifurcations of closed orbits in the photodetachment cross section of H- in parallel fields

A. D. Peters, C. Jaffe, J. Gao, J. B. Delos

Phys. Rev. A 56, p. 345-55 (1997)


Closed-orbit theory and the photodetachment cross section of H- in parallel electric and magnetic fields.

            A. D. Peters, C. Jaffe, J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 56, P. 331-44 (1997)

Semiclassical formula for oscillator strengths in atomic spectra.

            V. Kondratovich, J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 56, P. R5-R8 (1997 - Rapid Communication)

Symmetry breaking in crossed magnetic and electric fields.

C. Neumann, R. Ubert, S. Freund, E. Flothmann, B. Sheehy, K. Welge,M.Haggerty, J. Delos

            Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, P. 4705-8 (1997)

Semiclassical Representation of Width-Weighted Spectra

            M. W. Beims, V. Kondratovich, and J. B. Delos

            Physical Review Letters 81, 4537 (1998)

Extracting Classical Trajectories from Atomic Spectra

            M. R. Haggerty, Neal Spellmeyer, Daniel Kleppner, and J. B. Delos

            Physical Review Letters 81, 1592-1595 (1998)

Semiclassical formula for oscillator strengths of atomic spectra in external fields

            Vladimir Kondratovich and John B. Delos

            Physical Review A 57, 4654 (1998)

Scaled-energy Floquet spectroscopy in a strong electric field: A semiquantal calculation of the recurrence spectrum

            Vladimir Kondratovich and John B. Delos

            Physical Review A 57, 4604 (1998)

Chaos in Atomic and Molecular Theory, From Abstract Mathematics to Patented Devices

            J. B. Delos

   (Refereed Web Publication)

Classically forbidden recurrences in the photoabsorption spectrum of lithium

            Vladimir Kondratovich, John B. Delos, Neal Spellmeyer, and Daniel Kleppner

            Phys. Rev. A 62, 043409 (2000)

Semiclassical theory of weighted spectra for regular systems: Absorption spectra and decay rates             M. W. Beims, V. Kondratovich, J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 62, 043401 (2000)

Recurrence spectroscopy in time-dependent fields

            M. R. Haggerty, J. B. Delos

            Phys. Rev. A 61, 053406 (2000)

Classically-forbidden processes in photoabsorption spectra.

            J.B. Delos, V. Kondratovich, D.M. Wang, D. Kleppner & N. Spellmeyer

            Physica Scripta. 90, 189-195 (2001)


Organization and bifurcation of planar closed orbits of an atomic electron in crossed fields

            D M Wang and J B Delos

            Physical Review. A. 63, 43409-43422 (2001)

Beyond Quantum Mechanics: Insights from the work of Martin Gutzwiller

            D. Kleppner and J. B. Delos

            Foundations of Physics 31, 593-612 (2001)